The Archive of Migrant Memories is both a real and virtual space for stories, self-narratives and dialogues between people wishing to share their experience of migration with others interested in learning about what they went through and their feelings and reflections. AMM is a “community of practice” composed of people pursuing common goals from a variety of perspectives. Their activities range from the collection of testimonies to the production of personal narratives and life histories, from participatory audio and video production to the development of teaching materials aimed at bringing the migrants’ real life experience into schools and making them available to anyone interested.
The Archive contains self-narratives, interviews, research and theoretical reflections in the form of written texts, audio, video and images. You can consult the materials online or by writing to us for those that cannot be used on the website.

This section includes stories, self-narratives and diaries produced by migrants wishing to reflect on the nature and legacy of migration as an individual and collective

The “interviews” section documents meetings, conversations, interviews, story circles or discussions held, developed or organized by AMM’s volunteers, researchers and members. It includes brief extracts

The ‘research’ section is dedicated to research and critical literature addressing the work and activities of AMM and its development over time. It includes documents,
AMM offers workshops in schools at all levels throughout the country. Students and teachers interested in these activities can make specific requests for workshops that will be developed case by case together with AMM instructors, using the association’s materials: photographs, films, texts and drawings. AMM’s activities in schools do not take the form of traditional lessons, nor are they encounters in which participation is limited to listening to the migrants’ testimonies. They are interactive workshops where participants are encouraged to reflect on the relation between the I, the self, and the other, occasions in which the issues of antiracism, the fight against prejudice, respect for basic human rights can be worked through in practice in order to create shared spaces and to facilitate dialogue between different worlds.
You can take part in AMM’s activities by organizing screenings of our films by making applications for private or public showings, including the participation of the authors. AMM’s films provide an inside story of the experience of migration, taking advantage of the specific features of audio visual language and participatory methods.


Va’ pensiero. Storie ambulanti – Va’ pensiero. Walking stories

Soltanto il mare – Nothing but the sea

To whom it may concern

The project The Horizon 2020 – ITHACA. Interconnecting Histories and Archives for Migrant Agency: Entangled Narratives Across Europe and the Mediterranean Region project aims

“Diari Multimediali Migranti” (Multimedial Diaries by Migrants) is an Italian life story prize designed to collect and give publicity to stories by people from foreign

The Migrant Memories Network Collection (FRMM) hosted at the Istituto Centrale per i Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi (Central Institute for Sound and Audiovisual Heritage) in Rome contains

grant competition 2023 for migrant filmmakers – “Why support cinema by migrant filmmakers? Think of the “stereophonic” reading skills shown by their filmmaking. With their

Five shorts written, shot and directed by young immigrants to Italy. A mosaic of stories providing an inside approach to the migrant condition, together

Young professional and non-professional film-makers of any nationality, aged between 18 and 35, can compete for the Prize through a public call for applications:
segreteria@archiviomemoriemigranti.net 𝗔𝗱𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀: c/o Circolo Gianni Bosio Casa della Memoria e della Storia Via San Francesco di Sales, 5 – 00165 Roma 𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲: Via di Panìco, 18 (int. 8) – 00186 Roma 𝗙𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗱𝗲: 97681790586

Multimedia Migrant Diaries (Diari Multimediali Migranti – www.dimmidistoriemigranti.it) is a life story contest taking place on a yearly basis to collect and disseminate self- narration